Friday, May 14, 2021

 Zen and Failure

Some people have the wrong attitude or belief about failure to the point where they give up and won’t try again. Some people actually have a fear of failure so much so that they will not attempt to succeed at something in which they may fail.

 Failure should be looked upon as a learning experience.

My personal philosophy is if I fail at something, I don’t take it personal, or think that I can’t overcome it. The only way failure wins is if I allow it by thinking I cannot get past a weakness.

A failure is basically an unknown factor. Once you learn how to beat failure, you begin to realize that you can accomplish more and it will do wonders for your personal positive outlook.

Even if it’s something that you don’t think you can physically do, that’s okay. It is important to realize that you, like everyone else, has physical limitations.

It is certainly not worth stressing about it. It is better to just acknowledge it and find another way to accomplish it by having someone else do it who can.

It certainly does not mean you should feel like a failure at it, after all, you can’t do everything. Everyone fails at something in their life sometime or how could it be known as a failure?

Think about failure in this way. If you learn from a so called failure, then did you really fail?

When it comes to failures always keep in mind the difference between a wise man and a fool. A fool will make the same mistake or failure time and again and expect a different outcome. A wise man will make a mistake or failure only once and learn from it.


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