Friday, May 14, 2021

 Zen Schools of Thought

 In Japan the school of Mahayana Buddhism teaches the philosophy of Zen by focusing on feelings and concentrating on the value of meditation and the school’s ultimate goal is achieving enlightenment.

 According to this school, to achieve enlightenment, the student must become completely involved and have direct experience with the teachings of Buddha. The philosophy of this school goes way beyond rules, laws, or doctrine.

 The student will generally have to dedicate his entire life to the pursuit of enlightenment and acquire an understanding through sitting meditation called Zazen and intense studying with a master.

To become a master of Zen to this degree requires the most serious of commitments and dedication and I feel quite sure that there a very few people in the world ready to pursue this type of lifestyle.

Zen is a large part of everything I do and who I am but I am not ready, nor do I feel I will ever be ready to dedicate my life in pursuit of such a higher quest.

Through my own dedication to martial arts, meditation, and Yoga I feel that I am creating an increase in self awareness and the pursuit of a happier lifestyle leading to my own achievement of enlightenment.

 Zen meditation is one of the most effective ways I have to found to reduce and avoid stress as well as a most effective way to relax.

All programs about Zen do have a common thread and that is basically to learn more about you, who you are, and what type of person you want to be.

Some programs focus on making your strengths stronger and working on your weaknesses. Some programs focus on helping you think in a whole new way and how you can feel good about who you are.

My hope is that you will take away from these conversations something, a philosophy perhaps, or an awareness, that will enable you to open your eyes and see the wonders around you, and quite possibly help you live a life of peace and happiness.


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