Friday, May 14, 2021

Zen and Energy

The energetic life force of Yin and Yang together creates chi or energy.

One of Mr. Einstein’s famous equations concludes that energy forms matter and when matter disperses it converts back to energy. Every particle of existence is made of energy, or chi, which explains all movement, changes, and phenomena in our universe.

To gain a basic understanding of chi, it is important to go back to the very beginning of oriental medicine to Taoism. Tao means ‘the way’ and it is the most influential part of oriental medicine.

The ancient Taoist’s foremost theme was to observe the ways of nature; that is the natural laws that govern the universe and give them a way to understand the unseen inner universe of a physical body.

The ancient people believed that the same laws of Yin and Yang that govern the universe also had to influence the human body. The human body is not considered a separate entity, but rather viewed as a micro universe subject to the very same laws that govern the entire universe.

If this chi is the creating life force of all living things, then it had to be responsible for human existence as well. As a result, from Yin and Yang came the five elements of the universe; water, wood, fire, earth, and metal and the creation of all living things, including humans.

The human body is a micro universe that houses twelve energy pathways containing the flow of chi. The pathways, referred to as meridians, connect to every facet of the human body.

The body is electrical in nature so it would seem logical that these energy meridians reach every part of the human body. This energy is basically all that we really are, and not only the physical body, but also the mind, emotions, and spirit.

The ancients believe, as do an increasing number of people today, that every illness, every pain, whether real or imagined, is caused by a blockage of the flow of chi When the flow of energy is restored, the illness or discomfort goes away.

The flow of chi moves through the body in two ways. One is an internal movement, meaning it circulates through all the meridians but stays inside the body, and one is external, meaning you release it to the universe and receive it fresh from the universe.

There are two ways to cultivate chi. One way is by constantly improving the quality of life and actions, and two, by exchanging chi with the universe on a regular basis.

There are some excellent ways to accomplish this by practicing ancient Chinese deep breathing techniques coupled with the regular practice of Qi Gong, Tai Chi, meditation, and martial arts.

There are a number of factors that are usually responsible for blocking the flow of chi. Since chi affects every part of the body, a blockage will create illness or disease.

Emotions are the biggest offender, specifically unbalanced emotions. Emotions are very powerful and too much of one or an imbalance of another causes physical illness.

Over excitement and excessive happiness causes damage to the heart energy. Anxiety and anger will damage the liver energy, fear will damage the kidney energy, and sadness and depression will damage the lung energy.

The objective is to release excessive energy back to the universe and exchange energy with the universe to maintain balance and harmony. The wisdom of the ancients is to stay calm all the time and to keep the Yin and Yang energy well balanced.

Poor nutrition is another factor that blocks the flow of energy. Food has chi and when you do not eat healthy, the flow of energy in your body will be out of balance creating physical illness.

For example spicy foods are not good for the liver, acidic foods are not good for the stomach, and sweet foods are not good for the heart.

Plant life grows very well on the earth because the energy of the plants and of the earth is harmoniously balanced. It is always best to eat foods that are locally and naturally produced.

Everyone knows that the earth rotates as it revolves around the sun. Of course, this is what gives us days and nights and the different seasons of the year. When the weather or seasons change, the energy frequency in the body may not be in harmony with the change.

By practicing regularly a form of exercise, Tai Chi, martial arts, Qi Gong, or meditation, it will become easier for the body to adjust the energy to the changes in the weather or season before a blockage occurs.

The environment has a great deal of influence on personal health. There is a way to create a personal living environment that greatly improves the flow of energy and balance.

Feng Shui (pronounce fung shuway) is a study of energy relationships between the earth, the sun, and the moon. Managing those influences harmoniously will provide a good and healthy place for living.

The study of Feng Shui will reveal how different parts of a building have a different energy. Every object has its own energy frequency and magnetic field and this will positively or negatively affect or influence the body’s energy.

The key is to arrange furniture and objects in an optimal location and direction so that the frequency of the energy from those objects is in harmony with the frequency of the energy and strengthen the body’s magnetic field.

Here is a small example; it is not a good idea to place a mirror that faces the bed, as the mirror’s energy is too strong and invasive and it will affect the quality of sleep.

We will have a discussion about Zen and your environment and surroundings a little later.

If you would like a good demonstration illustrating the flow of Chi, try this little exercise that I learned from my master, eighth degree black belt Grand Master Yong Sue Rho.

You will need someone to help demonstrate this. First, extend your arm straight out to your side parallel to the floor and make a tight fist. Next have someone try and push your arm down towards the floor while you resist as much as you can. The result will be that someone will be able to push your arm down with little difficulty.

My master explains, when you make a fist the flow of chi goes down your arm, circles around your fist and returns.

Now instead of a fist, extend your hand wide open with your fingers fully and firmly extended. Have someone try to push your arm down now. The result will be extremely more difficult if not impossible to push your arm down.

My master explains, when you extend your fingers firmly, the flow of chi goes out and exchanges energy with the universe, making your energy stronger.

Incidentally, this exercise is not about whether someone can push your arm down displaying a test of personal strength. It is about the difference in resistance and the strength of Chi.

A couple of other factors that block the flow of Chi are wrong medications and injuries. Medications are a great benefit to many people. However, you must insure that problems don’t develop due to wrong prescriptions and side effects.

All injuries including cuts, sprains, bruises, torn muscles, carpal tunnel, and broken bones will block the flow of Chi. So it becomes very important to get medical attention and heal as quickly as possible and restore the flow of Chi.

Chi is all around us, the rock, the leaf, it is everywhere, in everything we do, and it is what gives us our strength. I know I am beginning to sound like Master Yoda from Star Wars. If you study it, be more aware of it, control your emotions, change your surroundings, watch what you eat, practice your exercises, serve you well it can, and better you will feel.

Energy is everywhere and everything; even in those objects that appear to be inanimate or not alive. A piece of wood, a rock, the dirt on the ground all appear to have no life. Stare at them for an eternity and they will not move, unless you move them, and yet, they still have energy. It is the force of life…and may the life force be with you.


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