Friday, May 14, 2021

 Zen and Inflammation

Would you believe me if I told you that inflammation is something the human body needs?

The first thing I thought was, wait a minute! Why would I want any part of my body, inside or out, be inflamed?

I began to wonder how inflammation can be both good and bad and what I learned is that a certain amount of inflammation is what the body needs to protect and repair itself against illness and injury. It also protects itself from pollution, toxins, and germs.

Keeping inflammation in balance is the key to protecting the body's vascular, immune, and hormonal system, among others, operating at peak efficiency.

If the body's repair system (inflammation) is overworked due to over taxation of the body's other systems (vascular, immune, etc.), then inflammation starts working against the body causing more damage than it is trying to repair.

A certain amount of inflammation is good; kind of like a certain amount of stress is good because both will notify the body’s repair system allowing it to respond to specific needs. If inflammation, like stress, is not managed properly and kept in balance it can damage healthy tissue at the cellular level creating fibrosis, scar tissue build up, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s.

The really good news about inflammation is that you have the power to completely control it. It is all about lifestyle choices.

If you are consuming mostly processed foods, fried foods, fast foods, foods loaded with sugar, processed snack foods, and baked goods, then you are high-balling down the inflammation highway and a crash is eminent.

There are foods that actually promote a healthy inflammation balance. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but a great start to balancing inflammation includes citrus fruits, leafy greens, wild caught Alaskan salmon, apples, all berries, carrots, nuts, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and broccoli.

In balancing inflammation, there are a few more areas that need your attention like stress reduction or elimination, the control of cortisol production, engaging in meditation, and deep breathing exercises. There are supplements that are beneficial to reducing inflammation like turmeric, Omega 3 oil, Vitamins C, E, D, and selenium. Good regular sleeping habits also helps balance inflammation.


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