Thursday, May 13, 2021

 Zen and Love

Everyone has their own belief system regarding the meaning of life. For me personally, the meaning of life is happiness.

Happiness, after all, is a state of mind and since it is so subjective, it has a great and varied meaning to many different people. I think that everyone, whether they realize it or not, is in the pursuit of happiness.

If the right hand is happiness then the left hand is love. Love is the Great Equalizer. No matter what bad, negative, or nasty thing happens in your life, if you have love you will conquer those experiences as well.

I honestly believe that everyone wants to be loved and I also think that everyone needs to be loved. There would be a lot less grief in this world if everyone would just have compassion for their fellow human being.

Love and happiness can be elusive. First you must think and feel love and happiness, and when you truly learn to do that, you will see more of it around you. There are some things you can do to help you achieve that state of mind.

Truly happy people seem to have an idea or purpose for their life. Truly happy people indulge totally in what they are passionate about. Some are professional in their passion and others are hobbyists and enthusiasts.

Most happy people are also giving people, not only of their money, but of their time as well. Now if you think about that for a moment, it makes perfect sense.

Remember the last time you gave something to someone and you knew it would just blow them away? Or, you gave up some of your time to help someone else, maybe in need? Remember how that made you feel, the anticipation and satisfaction; what a tremendous feeling that is.

Happy people are generally optimistic. Always ready to take it easy, lighten up, and laugh a lot.

Happy people always count their blessings no matter how many they may or may not have. If you are a truly happy person, you can look around you at any given moment in time, and you find something to be grateful for and give thanks.


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