Thursday, May 13, 2021

 Zen and Happiness

Whenever you are confronted with negativity, and it cannot be avoided, try to search for anything positive in the experience, and try to focus on that.  I know it’s easier said than done but the more skilled you are at this the easier it will become over time.

It is very difficult to focus on the positive and optimistic if you are not feeling well. It is absolutely essential that you eat right, exercise regularly, and sleep well if you are to be truly happy.

Try not to worry and definitely do not obsess over anything. It only causes stress you don’t need. It does no good to worry about things that you have no control over. There is a great deal of wisdom in the expression, “don’t sweat the small stuff.”

Hopefully I don’t have to tell you to be grateful for what you have. Everyone has someone or something in their life to be thankful for and being grateful is absolutely fundamental in achieving love and happiness.

It is really important that you pay attention and be careful with your mind talk. For some reason when you are having a negative or bad experience, and especially if you feel you are at fault, you talk down on yourself. The worst part of this is that it seems natural to put yourself down. You say things to yourself like, “I can’t believe you did that, you’re so stupid!”

Well, you can knock that off right now, there is absolutely no benefit to you, or anyone else for that matter, and if fact if you keep it up, you will give yourself an inferiority complex. So cut it out and say things to yourself that you like to hear and make you feel good.

Pay attention to your thought processes. Sometimes you’ll be having a negative, bad, or evil thought and at first you won’t consciously be aware you are having these types of thoughts and turning positive energy into negative energy. Those types of thought processes will create barriers for you to overcome on your path to seeking love and happiness.

I have also come to realize that most happy people are also giving people; not only of their money but of their time as well. Now think about that for a moment because it makes perfect sense. Remember the last time you gave something to someone and you knew it would just blow them away? Or you gave up some of your time to help someone else, maybe in need? Remember how that made you feel, the excitement and anticipation? Helping someone in need is always an enlightening experience and creates a warm, Zen feeling.

Another thing I noticed about happy people is that they are generally optimistic. They are always ready to have a good time, lighten up, and laugh a lot. Having a healthy optimistic attitude gives the body and mind a Zen sensation that it so richly deserves.

A good hearty laugh, like exercise, great sex, and excellent food, releases those feel good hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are a product of the pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the brain releases these hormones when happiness is experienced.

Happy people always count their blessings no matter how many they may or may not have. Being truly happy means looking around yourself at any given moment and being thankful for something or someone.

Now, I do not want to make this sound like, hey man, that’s all I got to do, and I will be happy? No, of course not, and everyday life is not a bowl of cherries. Sure, there will be times when things don’t seem to be going right. That’s okay, deal with it, and try to keep a positive and optimistic mindset; they are just bumps in the road and nothing lasts forever. The bottom line is having faith: faith in yourself and faith in your higher being.

You are the sum total of all your life experiences and you did not get to where you am or who you are today, overnight. It has taken all your experiences and years for you to arrive at this point in your life. Once you realize this, you can change your thought processes leading to a more loving and happier life.

I have been reading quite a bit lately about the Law of Attraction and I think it applies here as well. The Law of Attraction basically says that the things we focus our attention on we attract more of into our life. In other words, thoughts become things is the philosophy of the Law of Attraction. The Zen philosophy here is having positive thoughts will create more positive energy and more positive energy will generate more love and happiness.

I am sure it would seem logical that the more successful life is, the happier it is. I have known some people during the course of my life that were very successful but not happier because of it. There are several areas in personal and professional life that could become more successful, not necessarily more wealth, but by adopting certain positive attributes and moving closer to a Zen filled life.

Sincerity in your beliefs and values means not trying to be someone or something you’re not. Sincerity goes hand in hand with being genuine. Do not be deceptive, embellish the truth, or try to pull a fast one. Always remember, your actions will actually speak volumes more than your words could ever say.

Honor is a personal quality you should value most. Actually, honor is the fundamental basis for being sincere and genuine. By having honor and value, all the other positive attributes come easy.

Even though I have spent many years in the military on active duty (United States Air Force and United States Navy), I absolutely believe in the United States Marine Corp motto, Semper Fidelius, a Latin expression for ‘always faithful.’ I live every day of my life by a strict code of conduct: honorable men do not have a price and, the ancient code of the Samurai, ‘death before dishonor.’

If you are always ready to help those in need offering time, and perhaps money, you will always create a Zen feeling. Appreciating others is also an excellent attribute, not only those that you have a close personal relationship with but also with those you briefly come in contact throughout the course of your day.

Always keep your personal integrity intact and never compromise your values and beliefs to please someone else. In other words, do not let anyone corrupt your values. Always show the best judgment you are capable of and treat everyone with respect by giving each person you interact with your complete and undivided attention.

Always have compassion for those who are experiencing difficulties, try to help them if you can, and do it with an unselfish thought by not expecting anything in return.

All of your experiences will help you gain knowledge and wisdom that you can use to help someone else, and that is also very Zen.


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