Thursday, May 13, 2021

 Zen and Relaxation

Taking the time to ‘tune out’ your surroundings on a frequent basis and relaxing goes a long way in helping your mind stay healthy. When you learn to let everything go and release any negative energy you can relax more easily, you will be able to think more clearly, you will feel very calm, and you’ll be able to focus on the things that make you happy and mean the most to you.

Try to take a “five to ten minute tune out” several times throughout your day you’ll be able to change your mood, change your feelings, heck, you might even be able to change your entire outlook.

When you take a “five to ten minute tune out,” you’re going to need a way to quiet your mind, and the best way I’ve found to do that is something my Grandmaster taught me, and really it’s very simple.

I confided in him that I was having some difficulty trying to quiet my mind during meditation. “It’s like a million thoughts just come flying in from every direction.”

He told me, “when you breathe in long and slow, filling your lungs to capacity, imagine you are breathing in through your nose white energy from the Universe. When you exhale through your mouth long and slow, imagine you are breathing out gray used energy to be restored back to the Universe, while emptying your lungs completely before breathing in again.”

Focusing on your breathing in this manner will help you quiet your mind of all the mindless daily clutter.


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