Friday, May 14, 2021

 Zen and Yoga

In this modern world more people are finding that the ancient art of Yoga helps them achieve a state of balance by creating a union of their mind, senses, and breathing. After all, the ancient Sanskrit meaning of Yoga is union or joining together.

Yoga is an ancient stretching exercise that has many possibilities. Many practitioners are interested in exploring the depths of Yoga for its meditative value and some are interested in its spiritual benefit. Yoga has tremendous healing properties to help you become healthy and stay in shape.

If you are seeking the spiritual benefits of practicing Yoga you may find it to be very soothing, helping you calm your mind, and at the same time improving your focus and concentration.

The physical benefits of practicing Yoga may also help you improve your body’s strength and flexibility, and improve your balance. If you have weight loss or dieting issues, many Yoga instructors and experts agree that you may find greater success that will outlast anything you may have tried previously.

Through deep breathing, improved concentration, and focus Yoga can help you stick to your diet and exercise program and give you the added benefit of increasing the strength and toning of your muscles.

Yoga will help stimulate your glands that produce hormones that will increase your metabolism allowing you to progress in losing that unwanted extra weight.

Practicing yoga is a great way to relieve stress, calm your mind, and center your balance.  At one time, long ago, yoga was virtually unknown. It was practiced in the sacred Hindu temples in India, but today yoga classes are available just about everywhere you go, from your local YMCA to private instructors.

Yoga is highly beneficial to everyone, male or female, of all ages, and, if you practice it regularly, you will achieve a truly balanced workout mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Practicing yoga often is a great way to relax, but in addition to relaxation, it is also a great stress reducer. In addition to relieving stress, the regular practice of yoga can help you escape the busy and chaotic thought processes that command most of your attention when you are awake every day.

Stress is not only annoying and bothersome; it is also a significant factor in the development of other health issues such as cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal ailments, and anxiety disorders. In addition to those health benefits yoga will improve your flexibility and balance.

Each yoga class is as unique as the instructor who teaches it. When choosing a style or class, the first thing you need to do is consider any current medical conditions that you have and of course you should always consult your health care provider before starting any program.

Inform the instructor about those conditions as well. A good yoga teacher will take everything into account when it comes to performing the movements and breathing exercises. The second thing is to choose the right style of yoga. come styles are more rigorous and physically demanding than others and require you to be in good physical condition.

In whatever style you choose, it is believed that the yoga exercises, breathing techniques, postures, and your state of mind will give you the opportunity to go into a quiet place in your mind and experience peace and tranquility. That is especially good for everything about you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


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