Thursday, May 13, 2021

Zen and Feelings

What I am about to tell you may seem a little odd but it has wisdom nonetheless. Try not to think about feeling because thinking is not feeling. Let that sink in for a moment and realize that your feelings are physical and tangible while your thinking is a mental process. So if you really want to feel, don’t think, just be aware by allowing your body and your emotions to tell you how you are feeling.

Meditation can help you tune into to your feelings and emotions without thinking about them. Just be aware of them without the need to label them or judge them. If you meditate on this and learn to let them go your body and your mind will be free to enjoy those experiences around you with heightened aestheticism.

It’s important that you eliminate from your mind and body all the negative and ill feelings as much as possible they are toxic not only to your mind but your body as well.

Some of your negative feelings that arise from anger, fear, depression, and anxiety are toxic habits that you may have developed over time, and you may not even be aware of it. These toxic habits influence those negative feelings and they can have an adverse affect on you physically.

The good news is that you can change those habits and negative feelings by learning to let go and paying close attention to your mind talk. We all have mind talk, some of us talk quietly in our own minds, and some of us are more vocal, but we all do it.

When you engage in negative self talk you need to make yourself aware that you are doing so and learn to stop it in its tracks. At first it may not be easy to do but the key is to not let it frustrate you. When you start to have a negative conversation with yourself try to develop a trigger word or phrase to stop it.

I actually have a trigger word and a trigger phrase that is very effective for me and you can do the same. When I experience a negative thought or negative self talk, I say “stop!” or “okay, that’s enough,” and then move on to something more pleasant to think about.

If you practice doing this or something similar you will experience more positive thoughts, be more content and happier with yourself, have more peace in your life, and become Zen.


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