Thursday, May 13, 2021

Body Mind Spirit Zen

Your body is the only place where you live so you must take care of it the best way you can. You must treat it as a temple or sanctuary for your mind and your spirit.

Your body will make you feel the aches and pains when it isn’t doing well and tell you when there is a physical problem that needs your attention. How your body feels will have a significant effect on your mood and psychological makeup.

Your mind can also have a great influence on how your body functions. It should become abundantly clear to you that your body and mind nurtures your spirit and for that reason you should physically workout and practice meditation.

Physical workouts such as walking, martial arts, Yoga, and sports of nearly every kind as well as relaxation and meditation can have a profound effect on your philosophical outlook and your emotional outlook as well.

It is also essential that you engage in these activities on a regular basis to keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy. By doing so you will bring forth the qualities of truth, peace, love, and happiness allowing you to have more self awareness and self control.

If you have belief in yourself coupled with personal honor and deep spirituality you will feel Zen and progress towards enlightenment. This is all within your control and entirely dependent on you.


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