Friday, May 14, 2021

 Zen and the Law of Attraction

You are the sum total of all your life experiences and you didn’t get to where you are or who you are today, overnight. It has taken all your experiences and your years for you to arrive at this point in your life. Once you realize this, then you know you can change your thought processes leading to a more loving and happier life.

The Law of Attraction basically says that the things we focus our attention on we attract more of into our life. In another words, “thoughts become things,” is the philosophy of the Law of Attraction. The Zen philosophy here is having positive thoughts will create more positive energy and more positive energy will generate more love and happiness.

It is a universal law so you need to meditate on this and direct your meditative energies toward the Universe. I know there are a vast number of people who don’t believe in it or they say it doesn’t work for them. One thing that most people don’t understand about the law of attraction is that it does work, but on a much deeper level than most realize.

You can say all kinds of affirmations, you can do all kinds of visualizations, and even engage in constant positive self talk, but you see that is all done with the conscious mind. Now that’s fine and you need to do those things to change your subconscious thought process.

That’s where the law of attraction has the most effect. Even though you engage in all those positive actions with your conscious mind, if you subconscious mind still doesn’t believe it, then it will have little to no effect in making positive changes in your life.

For example let’s talk about money. You start by engaging in all the positive actions to change your mind set about money, but if you subconsciously believe that money is bad or you don’t believe you deserve money, then all your positive conscious actions will have little if any effect.

Here’s a little test.  I want you to finish this well known statement; “money is the root of all…” I’ll bet you said “evil.” So, on a subconscious level why would you want anything evil in your life?

Incidentally, that statement is an incomplete expression from the Bible which states that, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” I realize there are people who have a lot of money and all they think about is how they can get more. However, there are those who are rich and have a lot of money but aren’t in love with money, they are in love with what money can do, and they have an appreciation for the possibilities that money can provide.

However, your mind is an incredibly powerful organ and your thoughts are equally powerful. There is a great deal of wisdom in the expression, “thoughts become things,” so you definitely need to be careful about and pay attention to your thinking.


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